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Saturday, September 19, 2009

For the President Equestrians seek funds.

Local Equestrians Park For the President Equestrians seek funds to build horse campground.Local equestrians and the state parks department have agreed upon the perfect spot for a public equestrian campground- For the President Equestrians seek funds. The site of President Ronald Reagan's Malibu ranch at Malibu Creek State Park.Plans for the proposed campgrounds will be presented Sept. 26 at the Mill Creek Equestrian Center in Topanga and Schafer is among the guest speakers, who also include Woody Smeck, Superintendent of the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area; Joe Edmiston, Executive Director of the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy; and Los Angeles County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky


NoHorsingAround said...

No Horsing Around! Do it for the President.Local Equestrians seek funds to build horse campground. California local equestrians and the state parks department have agreed upon the perfect spot for a public equestrian campground- For the President Equestrians seek funds. The site of President Ronald Reagan's Malibu ranch at Malibu Creek State Park.Plans for the proposed campgrounds will be presented Sept. 26 at the Mill Creek Equestrian Center in Topanga and Schafer is among the guest speakers, who also include Woody Smeck, Superintendent of the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area; Joe Edmiston, Executive Director of the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy; and Los Angeles County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky

ted fulton said...

Choosing the historic Reagan Meadow for the site of the new RV Park/Equestrian Campground in Malibu Creek State Park is an abomination. This facility with mar the view for miles along a state designated scenic drive: Mulholland Highway. The fire pits of this facility are a threat to public safety. This will likely be where the next Corral Canyon fire begins wiping out hundreds of homes. The concentration of animal waste at this site will lead to more fish kills in nearby historic Malibou Lake. Instead of subsidizing the life styles of a few well heeled special interest groups at a time when the parks can barely afford to remain open, I believe the state should consider restricting horses from some public trails to protect the Malibu Creek watershed. The location of this RV park contradicts the Park's own general plan by reducing the narrow wildlife corridor between Paramount Ranch and Malibu Creek State Park.

There are insufficient water resources to establish the shade trees depicted in this plan. The result will be a barren half paved field full of unsightly buildings, recreational vehicles, and dumpsters storing horse manure. Even if there are a few trees in a hundred years the scenic view will be ruined and the historic Reagan Meadow now enjoyed by all will be gone forever.

This facility is located within sight of the ridge line where the Corral Canyon fire started. It is immediately upwind of hundreds of homes in the densely treed historic community of Malibou Lake. The prevailing Santa Anna winds blowing from the fire pits at this facility pose a grave danger to hundreds of homes.

This facility is literally a few hundred yards uphill from Malibou Lake which feeds into Malibu Creek. Both these bodies of water already have water quality problems. We already dump enough bacteria on the beaches in Malibu to force closures. We should not encourage large animals to roam the hillsides defecating and urinating next to Malibu Creek.

Private R & R zoned properties are available for this land use. Express your opposition to this location by writing District Superintendent of the California State Parks Ron Schafer and Third District Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky at Email a copy of your opposition to Ruth Gerson at

PetDiva said...

Thank You Ted For your comment;Local Equestrians seek funds to build horse campground.Local equestrians and the state parks department have agreed upon the perfect spot for a public equestrian campground- For the President Equestrians seek funds. The site of President Ronald Reagan's Malibu ranch at Malibu Creek State Park.Plans for the proposed campgrounds will be presented Sept. 26 at the Mill Creek Equestrian Center in Topanga and Schafer is among the guest speakers, who also include Woody Smeck, Superintendent of the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area; Joe Edmiston, Executive Director of the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy; and Los Angeles County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky

ted fulton said...

Is it correect that Pet Diva supports destroying the historic Reagan Meadow? Request comment for publication in upcoming Malibu Times Article

Ted Fulton, Chairman
Save the Reagan Meadow Foundation

PetDiva said...

California State Parks’ General Plan for Malibu Creek State Park includes guidelines to establish an equestrian camp facility at Reagan Ranch
The RREC site was owned by President Reagan between 1957 and 1967, before he was elected Governor of California. The Reagan Ranch property still has the original barn and stables, which are used as the park maintenance facility. The area is very popular with hikers, mountain bikers, and equestrians.

By building the RREC, California State Parks will ensure that President Reagan’s first ranch will be used in a manner that respects the way of life cherished by the former President.

If you would like to make a donation to the RREC, please contact Ruth Gerson, Chair, Ronald Reagan Equestrian Campground Committee at (818) 991-1236. For additional information about the project, call Jennifer Ruffolo at California State Parks (916) 651-9523.

PetDiva said...


No Horsing Around! A Worthy Project. It's A Good Thing!
By building the equestrian campground, we will ensure that President Reagan’s first ranch will be used in a manner that "Respects The Way Of Life He Cherished"

RE: No Horsing Around! Do it for the President.Local Equestrians seek funds to build horse campground. California local equestrians and the state parks department have agreed upon the perfect spot for a public equestrian campground- For the President Equestrians seek funds. The site of President Ronald Reagan's Malibu ranch at Malibu Creek State Park.Plans for the proposed campgrounds...

As a Malibu Pet Diva,I'm always open to new Ideas and different views: No Horsing Around ...A Horse is a Horse, Ronald Reagan’s favorite sport was horseback riding. The Reagan Property is Located in a meadow located at the junction of Mulholland Highway and Cornell Road, the campground would easily accommodate horse trailers and rigs of various sizes.
"The Ronald Reagan Equestrian Campground site was owned by President Reagan between 1957 and 1967, before he was elected Governor of California".

The Ranch location still reflects the original barn and stables, which are used as the park maintenance facility. By building the equestrian campground, we will ensure that President Reagan’s first ranch will be used in a manner that respects the way of life cherished by the former President!See copyrighted photographs "Courtesy of the Reagan Family" and California State Parks wants to thank the family for the opportunity to use these images on the website. Ronald Reagan riding on his Malibu Ranch in 1958.

Regan Cherished his land and favorite sport horseback riding.
see:Printable Concept Equestrian Plan, and Campground Presentation

California State Parks’ General Plan for Malibu Creek State Park includes guidelines to establish an equestrian camp facility at Reagan Ranch View Plan

If you would like to make a donation to the RREC, please contact Ruth Gerson, Chair, Ronald Reagan Equestrian Campground Committee at (818) 991-1236. For additional information about the project, call Jennifer Ruffolo at California State Parks (916) 651-9523.

ted fulton said...

Pet Diva, Thank you for your private comments: I wish to inform you that Save the Reagan Meadow Foundation supports Zev's (3rd District's Supervisor's) goal of achieving a horse campground facility in the Santa Monica Mountains. We simply object to the planned location of the RREC. Honestly, I was at the site of the historic Reagan photo yesterday and there should be a marker with that picture in the meadow not overflow RV Parking. My organization looks forward to converting the blog into a fund raising effort for the RREC at a more appropriate location. You may use these comments publically.

Ted Fulton
Save the Reagan Meadow Foundation

ted fulton said...

Pet Diva,
Additionally, I wanted to let you know that a scaled down facility located at the historic stables on the Gillette Ranch would garner the support of the Save the Meadow foundation. Given the recent approval of Malibu Valley Farm's continued operation by the coastal commision we believe that location is more appropriate. There is a tunnel under Las Virgenes Road that would allow access to both Malibu Creek State park and hence Paramount Ranch as well as the Gillette Ranch. I personally made Ruth Gerson aware of our support for this location prior to beginning the blog. She did not respond.

Ted Fulton
Save the Meadow Foundation

ted fulton said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ted fulton said...

Pet Diva, The Save the Reagan Meadow Foundation wishes to express our dedication to maintaining an equestrian trail to the site of the historic plaque we plan to construct in the Reagan Meadow. We believe it will provide an excellent destination for equestrians traveling from the RREC at Gillette Ranch

Ted Fulton
Save the Meadow Foundation

ted fulton said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pet Diva said...

Santa Monica Mountains
see files...Gillette Ranch ( Reagan (
A little off the subject however interesting.In light of the slaying of eight coyotes in Griffith Park by government.
"By Zach Behrens in News on September 22, 2009 9:59 AM "
If you want to really make yourself sick, read this USDA report on how many animals were “taken” KILLED in California in 2007. These reports are hard to find on the website, but there is one for every state. It explains exactly how each animal was killed, because, after all, it’s a by the number government agency. Who knew 8000 red-winged blackbirds were that dangerous to the people of this state? 500 beavers were killed, over 2000 raccoons. Over 100 bears were bad bears. Even a parakeet was killed in a trap. In total, the USDA and Fish & Game killed over 64,293 animals and birds in California in 2007.
Back To Reagon Vs. Gillette FOR FIRE:Incident Information --
Pet Diva...we all heard,Fire Crews Brace for Worst as Heat Wave, High Winds Hit SoCal
Soledad Canyon, that corridor along Highway 14, the canyon above Porter Ranch, and any of the canyons above the foothill communities ...clipped from Google - 10/2009
As For: Fire Reagon Meadow "2 Men9 Not Horse Back Riders" were of Ordered To Stand Trial For 2007 Malibu Fire" ( )
Personality of a horse back rider is one with a pleasant and willing personality who has the maturity to be patient,loves animals and takes a lot of focus of horse people and getting their horse into good condition values nature.
Santa Monica Mountains & Map Datasets:
( )
Studies Show...
Aspect"Derived from a Digital Elevation Model(DEM)".

Canopy Cover "Overstory components of fuels; attenuate windspeed and solar radiation".

Elevation"Derived from a Digital Elevation Model (DEM)".

Fire History "Number of years since an area was last burned."

NFFL Fuels"Data uses only National Forest Fire Laboratory (NFFL) standard fuel models. "FARSITE Landscape (.LCP) Files (NFFL Fuels)

FARSITE Landscape (.LCP) Files (Custom Fuels) "Fundamental unit of organization of spatial data; used by FARSITE".

Study Area Mask :Study area mask of Santa Monica Mountains.

Potential Natural Vegetation (PNV)"PNV types in the Santa Monica Mountains".

Slope Percent "Derived from a Digital Elevation Model (DEM)".

ted fulton said...

Superintendent Ron Shafer,

The Save the Reagan Meadow Foundation acknowledges that horse campers deserve equal access to the Santa Monica Mountains as hikers, painters, runners, bicyclists etc. We believe that the RREC at Gillette Ranch is a superior proposal for the following reasons.

The Gillette Ranch already has significant multi-story masonry structures that could be used to shield the scenic viewshed of Mulholland highway and Malibu Canyon Road. The structures are much larger than the meager one story wooden structures at the currently proposed site of the RREC.

Access to the Gillette Ranch is via a significant traffic artery, Malibu Canyon Road/Las Virgenes Road. The currently proposed site of the RREC is not served by a significant traffic throughway in close proximity as is the Gillette Ranch. The Gillette Ranch also has a number of support facilities nearby (gas stations, restaurants, grocery stores).

The Gillette Ranch is a significantly larger site providing a buffer between the RREC and surrounding communities in the event of fire.

Due to the larger size of the Gillette Ranch locating the RREC here would not constrict a narrow wildlife corridor as does the currently proposed site.

The Gillette Ranch location will provide equestrians with identical access to the equestrian trails of Malibu Creek State Park and Paramount Ranch as there is an existing tunnel under Las Virgenes/Malibu Canyon Road that connects Gillette Ranch and Malibu Creek State park.

Water quality issues are virtually identical for both proposed sites. We note that the coastal commission recently approved continued operation of the Mill Valley Farms which is in close proximity to the Gillette Ranch. We believe a scaled down version of the RREC could be built in consultation with water quality experts to mitigate water quality concerns. Additionally, we seek to encourage the state park service to coordinate with local watershed agencies that monitor water quality in Malibu Creek. We believe the state park service should consider restricting the use of some equestrian trails during historical months of poor water quality in Malibu Creek, much as the park service currently restricts park activities during periods of high fire danger.

The Gillette Ranch has only recently been acquired by the state park service and does not have the same level of emotional attachment from the public as does all areas of Malibu Creek State Park. The Gillette Ranch is large enough that the RREC could be placed in an area that does not have historical significance. The Gillette Ranch General Plan is currently being created.

In conclusion, our organization seeks your non-monetary support to erect a photographical historical marker at the site of the now famous Reagan photo providing visitors a link to the past and an appreciation for scenic open spaces. Our organization believes the marker would be an excellent destination for equestrians traveling from the RREC at Gillette Ranch. The Save the Reagan Meadow Foundation is dedicated to maintaining and supporting an equestrian trail to the historical marker. I look forward to converting the blog to a fund raising tool for the RREC at Gillette Ranch

ted fulton said...

Superintendent Ron Shafer,

In my previous email expressing support for RREC at Gilllett ranch I mistakingly referenced the coastal commision's approval of Mill Valley Farms, I meant Malibu Valley farms.

Typing on the fly between flights is my excuse.


Ted Fulton

ted fulton said...

Perhaps I have been too hard on Zev. (Also, on a personal note, no disrespect intended to the Supervisor in this blog, it's just that this issue is NOT about getting RREC out of our backyard. It's about saving the open space of the historic Reagan Meadow and things get emotional. I have learned that the 3rd District Supervisor supports the concept of horse camping in the Santa Monica Mountains but no specific location to achieve that objective as the county has no finalized plans on the matter. Go Zev, We love Zev!

ted fulton said...

The Save the Reagan Meadow Foundation is preparing an application to place Yearling Row (President Reagan's ranch in Malibu Creek State Park) on the National Registry of Historic Places. We appreciate your support of this historic site, preserved in it's natural state.

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