My Pet Diva

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Hi! My Name is CalifDreama. Thank you for stopping by My Pet Diva Blog on Blogspot. As you may have noticed, I am dog gone poochie over so many pet friendly topics. So when ever I come across something yummie, trust either myself or one of my fellow followers will fetch it and bring it here. Living in such a Doggie Dog World, we like any other Diva's love being pampered and receiving treats. So you will soon see we go bow wow showing off our pictures in any of every kind of media from photos to original paintings even water colors to drawing by the artisan communities that offer a variety of crafting social networking features.I hope you find My Pet Diva to be a fun place to explore fabulous original artists works and marketplaces. Also please subscribe to Pet Diva and connect with other animal lovers and contribute to our growing community. Search lists of featured postings and links to learn more about Pet Diva and how you can get involved! Pet Diva

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Pet Dog on Roofs bow wow

Dogs on Roofs?Pet Dog on Roofs "bow-wow, roof roof- bow-wow, roof roof" and of course that pertains to all dogs. I don't think I've ever seen so many dogs on roofs before. Sounds a little crazy quite now barking out loud. All I can say so off these photos are a roof and a how the L.
After seeing these photos, I ask the question how they do that? How do the dogs get on the roofs in the first place?

1 comment:

PetDiva said...

Does Your Dog Do This Their should be laws against this. This could be dangerous.Dogs on Roofs?Pet Dog on Roofs "bow-wow, roof roof- bow-wow, roof roof" and of course that pertains to all dogs. I don't think I've ever seen so many dogs on roofs before. Sounds a little crazy quite now barking out loud. All I can say so off these photos are a roof and a how the L.
After seeing these photos, I ask the question how they do that? How do the dogs get on the roofs in the first place?

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